Where the '74 & '75 'monkeys' from St Thomas's Secondary School in Kuching, Sarawak keep in touch and share their lives ... All former school mates of that vintage are encouraged to participate - its FREE but priceless!
Posted by
Francis Ho
1:19 PM
Don't take this post too seriously! Or worst get offended by it!
I just wanna stir up some reactions and to get some people out of their "comfort zone" of boring familarity. Zzzzzzzz
The emails will not 'usurp' this blog which has been up since July and we're into our 5th month - so it will stay! We have enough
... staunch supporters of this blog already! But we want the participation to 'multiply like rabbits' as William puts in. No fear of it becoming a 'white elephant' now! So rest assured the thedtan!
Thanks for supporting Our Blog!
soree. Am part of the guilty party. But how safe is it to blog about 'sensitive' issues? Humble civil servants need to have a clean reputation.
deb - It's best to exercise prudence.
This is our blog and not a political forum so it's not an appropriate to discuss sensitive political issues. Nor wise to criticise other races or religions. None is inherently superior despite their fervent beliefs.
Humble civil servants also have the right to think for themselves and form their own opinions. Nobody owns us.
There are plenty of other topics to blog about - our city, our work, our families, our hobbies, pastimes, routines, interesting things we'd come across or read about. The topics are endless!
By commenting, you're already contributing! Thanks!
There is a very CLEAR LINE between criticism of the government or against the government. I believe none of us are against our respective government(s). I am NOT! Critical of certain issues yes (corruption, destruction of the environment, freedom of worship, the NEP,etc) but I love this country and do not find a viable alternative to the current government.
Bear in mind this is our FUN Blog NOT a serious political or religious forums lah!
So hang loose! Whatever! ;)
..,prudent to stay out of local politics (kiasi too) but I see no harm in global politics...
However, one person's global politics is another's local politics :)
Who said that kolo mee and laksa do not generate comments? It was actually laksa that started this off in the first place.
Lots of people are very shy when it comes to the subject of sex, and do not feel comfortable talking about it, let alone comment on it in a blog. They probably have a laugh at what's been posted and agree or not with it, but do not feel that they would like to comment on it.
Politics do generate comments, but more of the confrontational kind, as feelings run very deeply when it comes to that subject and religion, thus subjects to be treated with care.
Better stop here. I've said enough I think.. :)
It's nice to get comments but generally that's not my aim at my personal blog.
Over here; perhaps we can adopt the same carefree attitude. If our old friends feel like they want to comment, they would. If not, nothing will entice 'em!
When we blog/post; we are giving something but as in a true gift; one should never expect something in return for it! My ten cents worth ... ;)
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