Friday, November 03, 2006

A Little Bit About Ourselves?

While it is heartwarming to recall the "good old school days" and maybe fun to share jokes and 'email-forwards'; I was thinking that perhaps it would help us to better re-acquaint ourselves if we post something about where we are and how we are doing now. Three decades had passed (*gasp*) and there had been a lot of changes had taken place. Some of you had already made some brief introductions in your maiden posting and that's wonderful and exactly what we're looking for.

Example sharing pictures and description of the city/town/place where you are living, your work and work place, places of interests in your town, your family members, etc. You can be as personal as you like or just share some selective snippets of your lives. No pressure here. I believe this would then make Our Blog more meaningful besides being fun and a means for us to keep in touch. What do you think?

To kick things off and to get it going, I'm posting a photo taken from the living room of my house looking towards the timber deck and jetty. The trees in the background are mangrove trees and are all naturally growing there besides the river - Sungai Stutong, which flows besides our house. The reason I chose to live next to a river, as some of you might had already guessed, is that I love kayaking! It's not a ''grand house' by any means (as photographs can be deceptive sometimes) but it's a comfortable corner terrace house (but extensively renovated) that I was fortunate enough to chance upon for its unique location in Kuching being close to the city and yet in the midst of nature.

By the way, that's 'Buddy' the Golden Retriever napping in the foreground.


Tiong Kiat said...

So you mean you can just walk out to your back door , on to to your kayak and out for a nice Sunday kayaking ? Nice ! So which part of Kuching is this sungei Stutong ? Sorry been away way too long .

Anonymous said...

tiong kiat - Yes, when it's high tide! there's quite a bit of drop from my jetty at low tide.

Sg Stutong flows into Sungai Kuap which joins up Sungai Sarawak and meets the South China Sea at the mouth of Muara Tebas. I can actually paddle from my house to Bako National Park in a day!

So when are you coming back to Kuching and when was your last visit? I can take you for a paddle from my house!

thedtan said...

Agree with fH20 about opening ourselves a bit to share what has been going on in our lives the last 30 years or so. Not easy as we all treasure our privacies. This is exemplified by some of our ex-classmates who may just come into this Blog to read and not even post or comment.

Apa itu said...

tk, Sungai Stutong meanders through the Tabuan Jaya development that the late Wan Alwi & his ang mo wifey started, south of Simpang Tiga & the gahmen high rise complex.

Tiong Kiat said...

fh20 , thanks for the offer, watch out for a visit Jan07. My daughter thinks she is real expert on canoeing (she only been on a few times).... the confidence (or ignorance) of the younger generation .
So sg Stutong is around the Tabuan Jaya area , at least I know where that is but i can't say i heard of this rich/famous Wan Alwi.

Apa itu said...

Wan Alwi was a bumi lawyer and he & his wife are behind the construction company Ibraco.