Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ever Seen A Transparent Butterfly?

Ever seen a transparent butterfly? Well sort of, as if it's truly transparent we would not be able to see it at all! Anyway a friend of mine from KL (hi Larry!) sent me these delightful photographs of them. Unfortunately there were no other accompanying information about these butterflies and the source of the images; so I can't give credit where credit is truly due; but they are simply and absolutely stunning to look at.

What a magical sight for the weekend! Enjoy!

NOTE: Actually the above post appeared in my blog in March but I'm re-posting it here to share something equally as fascinating and beautiful as the 'parrot flower' that em had posted a while back. The name of this butterfly is identified by someone in the comments of my post; which you can go and read here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The world is truly filled with wonderful and magical things.

Let's learn to focus and wonder at such amazing creations!