You Be the Judge
Happy "DeepaRaya" to All of You and for those of us lucky enough to be in Malaysia; it's almost a week long holiday break starting saturday till wednesday. Nice!
Anyway, back to Our Blog; which some of you have raised the issue or expressed some concern as to what may be posted here and who can visit our blog. The later is easier to answer as this being out in the public domain; anyone is welcomed to visit us or even leave a comment if they like. As to what may be posted; I was not unduly concerned as all of us are no longer young 'cikcus' having reached or are pretty close to the half-century mark where one would expect that we would be "worldly" and "had been there and done that" to be easily and prudishly shocked and where we would have reached a maturity to be able to judge what is prudent or not to be posted that could be considered as offensive or replusive. Hence there had been no censorship thus far and I believe it would not be deemed necessary in the future either.
This blog is for us to share our friendship and for us to keep in touch. In fact it has become much more and it has now become a habit for me to check in on a daily basis as "thoughts create presence" (quoting Edmund in one of his philosphical moments!) and I feel this "presence" transcending distance, locale and time. From Kuching to UK to the USA with this magic circle spun by EM, Apa Itu, William, Ed and this 'boh-su-chor' BA in Kuching; and quietly read and sometimes commented on by the 'silent majority'; this is truly something wonderful and to be cherished. Let's keep this up and we deserve to give ourselves a salute! We look forward to your readership and also your 'akan datang' postings! Please don't make us wait too long! Cheers!
Gulp! I think we'd better get rid of the invading army that came with the woman on a motorbike with a million chicken!
Also, we must be careful with the 'p'(go figure out what that means) posting of October 21 at 6.11 pm as some of us are viewing this blog di kerja! Tak mahu towkay hukum lah!
apa itu - my children had been teasing me about the October 21 post actually ... *sigh*
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