Saturday, September 02, 2006


As I sat in the transit exit lounge at the airport I observed the search of hand luggage and what was taken right behind me. They include:

a box of kueh talam (someone misses the local dessert) - misconstrued as explosive material
a can of longan (must be precious)
2 glass bottles of tau cheo
cough syrup, inhaler (do you have a prescription with that?)
foundation make up, perfume, (sales of duty free has plummeted) eye gel & toothpaste

The parents of a young one were asked to drink the hot & cold water they had carried to make their baby's formula!

What amazes me was that all these items got through at KL and was x-rayed at the transit entry point but they had to do the whole rigmarole again & take the stuff at the exit. Now all these items would have gotten through if they were checked in. I wonder if all this rigidness applied to travelers to the US & Britian only? What happened to the liberty to travel?


Francis Ho said...

Oh dear ... :(

Sorry to hear about all the hassles. Part and parcel of the consequences of the UK and US 'war on terrorism'.

The joys and pleasures of modern air travel ...

Kayaking anyone? ;)

Francis Ho said...

anon - since you're safely back home; can I, mr kaypo request for some photos of your hometown please? Just darn curious how an american town smaller than kuching looks like. we very the 'sakai' here and want to see everything there!

Can or not? ;)

Pictures of your house and garden would also be very nice ... hmmm see so kaypo hor?

thedtan said...

Ya, travelling abroad esp to UK and US no longer a joy. I was told that Canada is also very strict to everyone. Very recently travellers were not allowed to carry handphone nor laptop in hand lugguage. (Wonder if still enforced?) My colleague told me that these had to be put in your check-in lugguage(s) and then these should not be locked! Makes no sense heh? When I was travelling from Cleveland to Newark airport in January 2005, I was told by the airport officer not to lock my check-in lugguages as these might be opened inside for checking. Where is security? (I ignored such silly command and locked them anyway). Also at Cleveland airport's security check, the custom personnel was very rude. As I walked throught the security scanning frame, the alarm sounded. I was pulled aside and a security lady yelled sternly to a security man "De-fleeced him!" Wonder how all these would affect the tourism industry of the States, if at all?

Francis Ho said...

thedtan - "De-fleeced him!"
To avoid such indignities, next time wear cotton only ... keke ;)

Apa itu said...

The alarm sounded on me when I walked through security with my watch & coins in my pocket. The next time I took these items & put them through the x-ray & the alarm didn't buzz.

We learnt not to travel with the laptop because it was a hassle on our San diego trip in June. You had to remove the laptop from it's case & put it into a bucket. You also had to take off your sneakers. We felt all these were too much distraction & made us targets & vulnerable to pick pockets. So I wore slippers on my next trip, easy to take off & put on.
All the indignities!