Saturday, August 05, 2006

Can they call it the XYZ instead of the Zzyyxx Road?

Road off the I-15 somewhere in the Mojave desert. Day temperature 125F! ETTH, what's that in Celsius?

Don't you guys know how to post to the blog? Why's nobody writing? Blogging 101 says you have to go to, log in with user name & pw, click on + new post and type away in window box that pops up and publish!

Come on, give us a spiel on Health, Wealth and Happiness (is it eating kolo mee?)


thedtan said...

Hey, Anon, NO JOKE...125 deg F is 51.6 deg Celsius. ETTH

Francis Ho said...

We are having HOT and HAZY weather in Kuching today or is it just me feeling a little under the weather?

Apa itu said...

Yes, thedtan, felt like a roast chicken still in the oven when I ventured out for a potty break!