Sunday, July 23, 2006


I second fh2o to the post of administrator. There, it is now official. Do you need a Burger king 'crown'?

With IE (Internet Explorer) your pc must be Java and cookie enabled. The downside to this is that the pc takes forever to start up! I just use firefox and am not tech savvy at all but just learning as I go!

For those of you new to blogging (same here), in order to post to the main body of the blog (bigger left hand side) you have to login at assuming you have already been sent an invitation from the administrator. If not, never fear, just go to and get yourself a username and pw and click on the Meow, Meow blog and happy typing. Otherwise, you can write a short message in the chat box but you cannot ramble like me!

Have a nice Sunday.


Francis Ho said...

Meow meow!!

Thks. Burger King 'crown' is unnecessary but who am I to turn down a Burger King's burger with large fries and coke to go!

Btw Chocolate sundae would do nicely too! ;)

On a blog one is kinda expected to ramble or rant. heehee

Francis Ho said...

Hah! Someone just posted a photo of a handsome young man! Care to share some details about this fine gentleman? ;)

Apa itu said...

The fine young gentleman was on google! HA!

Francis Ho said...

anon - for a moment there I thought it was one of yours! Oops!
I like the 'crown' but doubt it would fit ... ;)

Apa itu said...

So is that the #1 value meal, sir? Whopper, super size it, biggie fries & biggie coke?

Francis Ho said...

BURP! *excuse me* ;)