Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Word (or 2) from the Blog Administrator (shamelessly self-appointed)

Hi Fellow School and Classmates!

Its great to see that quite a number of you are taking to Our Blog by checking up on it, registering as members so that you can post to it, commenting to the post and 'chatting' at the chat/message box. I can also see from the site counter that the blog had been browsed over 170 times since it was 'hastily' put up on Friday evening, Kuching time.

Since it was rather 'hastily' put up, please bear in mind the following:-

  • Although I'd volunteered to set up this blog; it is NOT my blog - it is OURS! Mine blog is here. So this is our domain and eventually will take on its 'character' and 'personality' based on all our inputs, postings and contributions.
  • I'm using FireFox 1.5 as my browser of choice. Those of you who are tech-savy would agree that in terms of speed and security, it is superior in everyway to Microsoft defacto Internet Explorer. But of course the choice is up to you. There are also other browsers around that are superior to I.E such as Opera or Safari if you are fortuately enough to be able to affford Apple Computers. The point of this is that this blog would appear 'normal' in virtually all the browsers EXCEPT Internet Explorer! *sigh* I'll get around to fix this page so that it would look normal in I.E.
  • I had already sent out invitations to most of you to join as members to this blog. I'll get around to sending it out to ALL. If you had not received your invitation yet, please bear with me while I sort this out. It would be a great help if you can email me directly at if you are not invited yet so that I can shoot off an invitation to you asap. Please accept my apologies for the delay. I owe you laksa and/or luicha!
  • For those of you who valued their privacy or simply need or prefer to stay private in the public domain; please feel free to use alias when you register. Just let us know by email who you are so that your name would not be indexed in google. For those of you who may be new to the internet(!); everything you typed in would be indexed! For example if you googled my name 'francis ho kuching'; you'll find everything that has ever been written about this character 'francis ho' in kuching on the internet! Good thing that I'm not on the run or harbouring any dark secrets ...
  • Please let us know what you think about the name, layout and design of this blog. Suggestions for areas that need improvements would be greatly appreciated.
  • I had added in a counter which display in real time the country that the person who is currently reading the blog is in. This is to alow you to know who is also online at the same time so that you can feel free to chat to him or her if you so wish. Some of us are already doing that! Eva was the first person who chatted with me. This being in the public domain, there is bound to be other visitors who do not 'belong' to the forum but may happen to chance on our blog. But thats cool.
  • Since this Our Blog, please feel free to experiment with your postings. Just go ahead and try posting - it would not 'crash' the blog. If something does goes wrong or if you need some help, please do not hesistate to call or email me. I'll see what I can do. But please bear in mind that I'm an architect not an IT or web expert.
I think that's it for the moment. I'll stop ranting now. So go ahead and post something!

Francis Ho

'Ying-Yang' our dog lazing on the timber deck


Apa itu said...

How come 4 dogs? 1 to jaga each member of the family?

Francis Ho said...

anon - we are short of one doggie as there are 5 of us! *sigh* ;)