Monday, August 13, 2007

Dr Philip Bong's Father 81st Birthday Dinner Celebration

Big birthday cake for the big birthday celebration!

Birthday boy, Mr Bong Kim Chong flanked by Adeline and Dr Philip Bong

Dr Philip Bong and siblings celebrated their father's 81st birthday on the 12th August 2007, Sunday night with a big dinner celebration with songs and dances.

A toast for life, health and longevity

I was kindly invited by Philip and was on the same table as a few of his doctor friends, Dorothy (wife of Bernard Loh Foh Min) and Lim Lian Kee, his wife and daughter.

All the "Bongs" on stage

Donations to various charities and organisations

It was a very nice dinner with lots of delicious chinese food and drinks. Birthday boy, Mr Bong Kim Chong with so many children - all 14 of them (!); lots of guests were invited and the only venue big enough to accommodate them all was a Church hall (Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre) ! I am lazy to write more as I am nursing a slight flu and cough and the weather of late in Kuching has been very very HOT - so here are the pictures! And here's wishing that all of us will celebrate our 81st birthday in the future! What an accomplishment! Be well.

Dr Philip Bong and lovely wife Adeline

Occupying the entire hall of the Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre


em said...

Happy belated birthday to Mr Bong Senior.

Francis Ho said...

Thanks em! I'm sure Dr Bong will convey your good wishes to Mr Bong Senior!

Ricky Ng said...

Hi, Dr Bong.
Pls accept my apology fr:
1)Not being there to share the joyous celebratn.
2)Having placed my Congratulatory Msg in the wrong post. Pls see FH2o-"I AM HERE".
N'theless, here's Ricky n Fmly wishing ur Dad a belated "HAPPY B'DAY" n many more!

Francis Ho said...

ricky - apologies will be accepted upon you buying us dinner on your next visit! ;o)

Ricky Ng said...

Wah, fh2o. Suddenly, u doubled up as Dr Bong's spokesman when u c a chance 4 dinner eh?
Fr "lau pheng euw", makan no problem lah! Hehe.

thedtan said...

Hi! Phillip. A belated happy birthday to you dad!

Francis Ho said...

ricky ng - our Dr Bong reads this blog but never comment one! *sigh* So I thought I'll help him out a bit lor.

thedtan - why long time no visit huh??? so lazy one! busy my smelly foot! no heart one! ;)

Unknown said...

I am looking for Philip bong who is Chinese Malaysian that studied in Sydney Australia many years ago my name was Eileen tregenza he was becoming a doctor I have many photos of Philip. Quite often wounded how he is. This was over thirty years ago he's never left my thoughts I studied my self and and do community services welfare in time I hope yo find him we met at the Chinese club Sydney If you wish to contact me. God is love