Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Eva and Geok Lian Goes Kayaking

After some serious eating on saturday night at the "Venue" restaurant, some serious exercise is in order; in order to burn off the excess calories the next day. And what better way to do it than some kayaking with the "kayak king" in the beautiful Borneo Highlands area. And what a beautiful Sunday it turned out to be with glorious sunshine and beautiful deep blue skies.Accompanying Eva was her daughter who had been looking forward to the kayaking and Eva's younger brother Victor who was staying in the housing estate just across the road from mine. Geok Lian was a bit hesistant at first about joining in the kayaking but she was glad that she did. After all being in the same boat as the Captain is as safe and relaxing as it's going to get! Here are the photos and we wished you all were there too!


Apa itu said...

Eh, fh2o do you have any clearer pics from the dinner? The good doc's pic is too dark.

Francis Ho said...

apa itu - yes mdm! done!

geok lian said...

Oh yeah, the kayaking was a wonderful experience. Of course being in the same kayak as the captain makes it more relaxing. Not much paddling & plenty of opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Certainly a trip that's well-worth my time despite having to catch the plane in a few hours from then.
But I am now having the after-effects with many sandflies bite. Just wondered why it only surfaced up on the second day. Any explanation??

Apa itu said...

you ta pau some sand flies back to SIN? :)

Apa itu said...

Thanks for the posting, fh2o, very nicely done.

Francis Ho said...

geok lian - oh dear! Try rubbing with the inside (white part) of banana peels on the bites areas - as often as you can as it helps to relieve the itchness. Trust me; it works!

apa itu - most welcomed!

geok lian said...

Tried the banana skin during the weekend. Seems to help reduce the swell. I don't believe that I am the only one with so many bites. At least 50 red dots around the legs & arms.
Saw the doctor again today & he mentioned that my skin must be very "sweet"!! Of course doctor told me not to try the banana skin in case of infection. So got an injection of steroid to reduce the itch. Otherwise, I'll be scratching myself all the way during this coming trip.
Eva, am sure you enjoyed yourself from the reply of your text! See you next time. Unfortunately the flights to London are all full!

Francis Ho said...

geok lian - To my knowledge the banana peel is the safest (NO steriods!), cheapest and most effective remedy! To be most effective rub with it a couple of times in a day.

geok lian said...

Ai yah, a bit difficult to look for bananas or bring a few around during travel lah. So had to do a short cut.

Just toured a supermarket nearby & bananas cost 2Euro+ per kilo here in Brussels!!

em said...

GL, your blood must be a lot lot sweeter than ours. Next time we go anywhere, may I sit next to you?

Kayaking is highly recommended. Great fun and the water fights certainly cools you down. Guess who started it? ....and it wasn't me...