Surry Hills Gang!
Except for the absence of Dr. Phang Teck Min, all the original members of the gang who used to reside together in Surry Hills, Sydney back in the seventies were gathered at my house for a Chinese New Year visit and reunion on the second day of the Chinese New Year.
Simon Lim Poon Kiat now lives in Sydney, NSW, Australia while Ricky Ng Nyuk Min lives in Kuala Lumpur . Both are in Kuching to visit their families during this Chinese New Year. Dr. Phang promised to fly out from Bintulu to meet the rest of the gang but they were not exactly holding their breathe for this to eventuate as the love of the legal tender is more so to some of us! they guessed not as he would be going back to Miri for work tomorrow.
Though not part of this notorious gang - Edmund Song and Francis Ho who also studied in Sydney but were living in more respectable neighbourhoods (ahem!) were also there for the photo session!
Happy lunar new year to all! What a happy reunion of old school mates, and thanks for sharing the pics, fH20. Did you get to meet up with Yian Kwan?
Yian Kwan managed to give me a call but when I called back on the number there was no answer! He mentioned that he would be leaving on monday. He reads the blog on and off.
jack - give me a call then!!
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