Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo trees in Berlin - Germany

City Quartier, Neues Kranzler Eck, sidestreet of Kurfürstendamm

I got the following from Wikipedia on the Ginkgo Biloba prompted by a comment by Deb in the chat box. I think Edmund takes them on a regular basis and so does Edward so that he can remember to go to the gym on a regular basis. But I think he would need to up the dosage so that he can then also remember his committment to blog at least once a month!

In South Korea, Sungkyunkwan University's logo is a ginkgo leaf.  Its main campus features several gingko trees that were planted in 1519 and still stand today.
In South Korea, Sungkyunkwan University's logo is a ginkgo leaf. Its main campus features several gingko trees that were planted in 1519 and still stand today.

The extract of the Ginkgo leaves contains flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids (ginkgolides, bilobalides) and has been used pharmaceutically. It has many alleged nootropic properties, and is mainly used as memory enhancer and anti-vertigo agent. However, studies differ about its efficacy.

Out of the many conflicting research results, there seem to be basically three effects of Ginkgo extract on the human body: it improves blood flow (including microcirculation in small capillaries) to most tissues and organs; it protects against oxidative cell damage from free radicals (antioxidant); and it blocks many of the effects of PAF (platelet aggregation, blood clotting) that have been related to the development of a number of cardiovascular, renal, respiratory and CNS (Central Nervous System) disorders. Ginkgo can be used for intermittent claudication.

A 2004 conference paper [6] summarizes how various trials indicate that Ginkgo shows promise in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, although further study is needed.

Ginkgo is commonly added to energy drinks, but the amount is typically so low it does not produce a noticeable effect, except perhaps via a placebo effect from Ginkgo being listed on the label.


Edmund Song said...

ok for 2c worth....

ginkgo actually helps to make your blood vessel supple, so that your blood can bring more nutrients to your body, esp your brain cells

take 120mg of qood quality ginkgo... you'll probably need one hour less sleep

then again make sure you get the balance dose of simple nutrients we learnt in biology class

120mg also helps to remove hydroxyl free radicals... the free radicals caused by radiation

so people in those high risk places should take 120 mg a day for a few months a couple of times a year

me.... i just take 30mg a day with other high quality supplements for prevention of degenerative diseases and for anti-aging benefits

so believe it or not... look closely at my photos and compare them to those 'uncles'

ok.... now.... don't get work out.... esp. you know who...

and all look wonderful in your 50s...

deb said...

actually, i have been taking gingko biloba too, for about 2 years now. just needed some reaffirmation of its benefits especailly when I 'lost' my jacket twice in the last 2 weeks in school. Maybe that's just absent mindedness and stress. Anyway, if it makes me look less of an 'auntie'or 'uncle' as edmund has claimed, I shall continue and maybe up the dosage as well.

Francis Ho said...


Now we know how these 2 looked so young! ;o)

Edmund Song said...

ahh. deb.... not all ginkgo are potent.... look for a reputable company

120mg a day... and you'll know whether it's potent esp at night.... not really insomia but just not tired enough to sleep....yet

deb said...

have you heard of Ocean Health Gingko Biloba 2500mg? Each tablet i think is 50mg of gingko biloba extract from 2.5 gm dry leaf. Does that mean one has to take 3 tabs a day? manufactured by vitamins for life in New Jersey, USA. Will try it when I want to stay up at night. Definitely more healthy than coffee!

thedtan said...

Hi! Also look for the 'standardized' GB prepared ones. I take the minimum 24% Ginko Flavonglycosides capsules . Potency is verified by GNC. Usually take 100 mg in morning, not at night.
Feel rejuvenated and, certainly, it works like Tongkat Ali!! :-)