Sunday, March 09, 2008

Elections In Malaysia 8th March 2008

It was Elections Day in Malaysia on Saturday, 8th March 2008. Barisan Nasional, the ruling coalition (as usual) was returned to power BUT with a greatly reduced majority (no more two thirds majority) this time. The winds of change was finally blowing this time round. *sigh*

And like any typical, responsible, tax-paying loyal citizen of Malaysia who wants to make himself happy on that fateful day .... I went kayaking!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Visiting Fiji

On a boat ride to the island on my last day in Fiji.

I'd never thought that I would visit Fiji one day but I did! On a business trip from the 13th to the 20th February 2008 flying from Kuching to KL then to Sydney where we change plane for another 3 1/2 hours flight to Nadi, Fiji. Suva is the capital city but most international flights land in Nadi about a 3 to 4 hours drive away - figure that out!

Magical islands and beautiful waters abound in Fiji.

I had a great time and here are a few photos - I had posted more at my personal blog. Coups or no coup - Fiji is a most beautiful island replubic. Cheers.
With such beautiful waters - naturally I went kayaking. Corals are just at the beach's edge. Amazing.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
